Food 360 Kitchen™
"Garden to Kitchen, the Plate and Back to Garden"
- Our culinary point of view and habit when preparing food anytime and everywhere
- Sustainable habit any household or professional kitchen can adopt to get back in-sync with our ecosystem
Garden to Kitchen: Grow/Buy local, organic foods first
- Each menu is based on the availability of seasonal, local, organic foods from our San Diego food bounty.
the Plate: Rewards of Food 360 Kitchen™ habits by eating tasty great & healthy eats
- Homemade, original recipes for each item on your menu
- Prepare a big sit-down weekly meal for your family to have leftovers and new creations throughout the week
…And make your event and/or every meal you prepare beneficial for our environment!
Back to Garden: Divert food scraps with yard scraps for future organic soil for gardens and landscaping
- Leave no trace clean up, manage "renewal' stage of the food cycle and adopt compost and/or worm bins
- Establish routine of collecting food/yard scraps, safe storage and regularly add greens/browns/water to your bins
HDTV Internet Video Series
Food 360 Kitchen™ - Garden to Kitchen
Food 360 Kitchen™ - the Plate
Food 360 Kitchen™ - Back to Garden
Use your smarts & action to re-sync with our food cycle and be the MVP you are meant to with F360K habits.
You can do it too!!!